Ways to Stay Grounded

LT Globetrotter

April 17, 2020
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A day at home is something we all wish for, but a month stuck at home is something else entirely. Even the most fervent of homebodies are itching to leave their own walls to explore the outside world. Whether you’re stressed from working at home, suddenly having to teach your kids every day, feeling a little too close to your family, or a combination of all of these and more, it’s safe to say that quarantine is definitely no vacation.

There is so much to take care of that sometimes it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. And you won’t be surprised to hear that a little self-care goes a long way. It’s just easier said than done, right? So here is your reminder to take a moment for yourself today—and every day—with a few tips to help you breathe a little easier and stay grounded.


  • Find your Zen. If you can’t get to your favorite calming place, bring them to you. From babbling brooks to serene seas, there are plenty of natural wonders you can live stream right from your home. We love the Zen Den on Explore.org. It highlights spectacular live feeds from around the world that are ideal to induce a relaxed state of mind.
  • Breathe easy. Whether you’re having a particularly panicky moment or just need to take a time out, try some focused deep breathing or even a quick, five-minute meditation session. As you focus on your breath, your mind will instantly unwind. Think of your breath like an anchor that forces your mind and body to be still… even for just a moment.
  • Take time to play. As adults we often forget how to have fun, sticking to chore-like activities instead of ones that bring true joy. There are many ways to play, so there’s something for everyone. Order a coloring book and colored pencils (these adult coloring books are trending for a reason), dribble a basketball, play freeze tag with your kids, or tend to your garden (digging in dirt is incredibly stress-reducing).
  • Stay healthy. Take care of yourself as much as possible with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of good-quality sleep. We’re not talking about forgoing all of the tasty treats or training for a marathon. After all, it’s not all or nothing. Instead, find a good balance between iron man and couch potato.
  • Dream a little. Now, more than ever, it’s time to daydream. Escape into the places you want to visit one day through travel books, films, social media, and any other ways you can spark your imagination. Create a list of all the places you wish to go and know that there’s still plenty of time to turn those dreams into reality.


LT Globetrotter

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